Snyk vulnerability check

By: OpsLevel

The OpsLevel internal developer portal (IDP) is a central source of action where product developers, platform engineers, DevSecOps, and leadership can see how their software is operating and improve upon it as they build new features. Our service maturity features enable platform engineering teams to embed org-wide software standards into the development process and roll out improvements and upgrades with ease—and reduced developer toil. With our Snyk integration, you can set checks to monitor vulnerabilities within your services based on the threshold that makes sense for your team.

  • Software catalog
  • Maturity checks, campaigns, and rubric
  • Service creation templates
  • Tech and API docs
  • Actions (custom and templated)
  • Central access to the information your engineers need to create, fix, and maintain software
  • Org-wide standardization (spanning service metadata, code and configuration, custom events, and more)
  • Gamified take on service maturity, including the Snyk vulnerability check
  • High level insight into software health at any level
  • Self-service tools that empower developers to ship better features, faster
  • Create a Snyk and OpsLevel account
  • Navigate to "Integrations" in the OpsLevel app and select the Snyk integration
How it Works
  • Map Snyk vulnerabilities straight to your software catalog
  • Determine your org-wide threshold for vulnerabilities and run a campaign to ensure all services pass
  • Receive real-time vulnerability notifications in context of your wide software architecture and service dependencies
Demo Video


Integration Categories:
Notifications & Ticketing


Snyk Products:
Snyk IaC

